The Legacy of Missions in SE Asia

This is a brief history of the Morse family’s involvement in missions in SE Asia. It is extracted from the newsletter of Bobby and Tassanee Morse whu currently serve in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Their ministry includes a hostel for tribal children attending school in Chiang Mai and a media ministry in Thailand, Burma and China. Bobby Morse is a 3rd generation missionary of the Morse Family legacy.  Continue reading “The Legacy of Missions in SE Asia”

A Media and Missions Testimony

I want to share with you a testimony from a Christian ministry that has Media and Missions projects working together. This concept where there is media outreach that generates a “lead” and a way for the person to contact a Christian via email, text or social media is ideal. I discuss this approach in a case study in my book, EVANGELISM IN THE DIGITAL AGE: Media Case Studies. My other books are on this page also. Continue reading “A Media and Missions Testimony”