Faith sprouts in floating Cambodian village

“Because the people here are afraid of ghosts,” Andrew said. “They need to know that this Creator God is more powerful than ghosts.”

IMG_4494KBAL TAOL, Cambodia –David* never imagined he’d use ghosts as a way to share the Gospel.

A Christian worker in Cambodia, David was surveying floating villages on Tonle Sap Lake, the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia, and was in need of a boat and driver. Andrew,* whom David had led to Christ 18 months earlier, agreed to take the job. Continue reading “Faith sprouts in floating Cambodian village”

Under the Towel

Tomorrow my husband heads out for a meeting before we sneak to the US for our only child’s graduation. So, today was errand day – get money, pay the rent, return a colleague’s car, buy drinking water, etc. We all have days like that – ordinary and mundane. But what I saw today was far from ordinary.

I’ve been researching a particular object some of my Khmer friends own. The teepee-looking object with a coconut at the bottom is supposedly home to a guardian spirit that a fortuneteller invites to protect and heal a needy person. Surprisingly, that’s an ordinary practice here. Continue reading “Under the Towel”

Vietnamese boy becomes a believer

“God, please let my brother be waiting in the bay when we pass by.” Though not a Christian, 12-year-old David* offered up this prayer the day he and Tom*, his 16-year-old brother, were trying to escape Vietnam. It was 1980 and hundreds of Vietnamese refugees — known as “boat people” — were fleeing the country in search of a better life.

SIEM REAP, Cambodia

–“God, please let my brother be waiting in the bay when we pass by.” Though not a Christian, 12-year-old David* offered up this prayer the day he and Tom*, his 16-year-old brother, were trying to escape Vietnam. It was 1980 and hundreds of Vietnamese refugees — known as “boat people” — were fleeing the country in search of a better life. Continue reading “Vietnamese boy becomes a believer”