Serving in Thailand 48 years – Part One

This is part one of an interview with veteran missionary Alan Eubank. Alan and his wife Joan have served in Thailand for over 47 years.

When you get to be as old as I am, you like to share some of your experiences that maybe somebody can learn from. I never thought I’d be a missionary, but I was impressed by the missionaries that visited our church when I was younger. I found that they were active Christians. I went on to Texas A and M and graduated in geological engineering and took a regular US Army commission and fought in the Korean War. After the war I was considered staying in the army but that’s when I began to seriously look at the Bible. I started to open it up and read a scripture before I went to sleep. Continue reading “Serving in Thailand 48 years – Part One”

Serving in Thailand 48 years – Part Two

This is part two of an interview with veteran missionary Alan Eubank. Alan and his wife Joan have served in Thailand for over 47 years.

After being in Chiang Mai for a number of years we begin to experiment with folk drama and modern drama, and music. We’ve started a full time troupe that’s become professional now, called the Christian Communication Institute (CCI).

The CCI troupes lead about 2500 young people to the Lord in their modern evangelism in schools each year during the rainy season. In the dry season they go out in the villages with traditional evangelism. Then, after retirement from CCI, I’m sort of a dabbler. We work back to that same group. They’re just now responding. We’ve had our first baptisms. We baptized four recently. We baptized eight more and now we’re going back in June and July in hope that there’s’ more. Continue reading “Serving in Thailand 48 years – Part Two”

Serving in Thailand 48 years – Part Four

This is the last of a four part series with veteran missionary Alan Eubank. Alan and his with Joan have served as missionaries to Thailand for 48 years. Now, they are retired and although most of the series discuss the past, this section is happening since they retired!

Dan: You’ve been here almost 48 years. I know there’s lots of stories. As I look through your book, maybe we’ll get back together and I’ll ask you to tell some of those stories, because they’ve been very stirring to us. Maybe you could, you’ve seen, just in the little church that you’ve been involved with near your home, some great things happening in even the last months. Continue reading “Serving in Thailand 48 years – Part Four”